Writing an Swift XML-RPC Server

XML-RPC is a funny little protocol from 1998 to call HTTP endpoints. Due to its wide availability across different languages it can still be useful. We are going to have a look at XML-RPC and write a small client and server in Swift.

So, what is it? As the name suggests the protocol is using XML as a basis. Don’t panic, a developer using XML-RPC doesn’t actually have to touch the XML. The other part of its name “RPC” is the abbreviation for Remote Procedure Call. It is a protocol to invoke a function (by name) on a server.

This is what an XML-RPC client looks like in Python (works in any, even on macOS), it calls the getParamset function hosted at the /RPC2 HTTP endpoint on some server and passes over two string arguments:

import xmlrpclib
server = xmlrpclib.Server("http://ccuw:2001/RPC2")
server.getParamset("LEQ0123456:1", "VALUES")
{'INHIBIT': False, 'STATE': True, 'WORKING': False}

When XML-RPC calls into the remote endpoint, it passes over the name of the function it wants to call (getParamset) and an array of arguments. The datatypes allowed in the arguments (and results) is very restricted: ints, booleans, strings, doubles, a floating datetime and raw data. Plus structs and arrays of those. Very similar to what is allowed in JSON or Foundation Property Lists.
The endpoint then returns a result with the same value types. Or it can return an error, called a Fault in XML-RPC slang.

A Swift XML-RPC client

So we’ve seen a Python example. Unlike Python Swift doesn’t come with batteries XML-RPC included. Fortunately someone was kind enough to build the Swift XML-RPC package. In combination with swift-sh we can quickly replicate the Python example:

#!/usr/bin/swift sh
import XmlRpc // helje5/SwiftXmlRpc

let server = XmlRpc.createClient("http://ccuw:2001/RPC2")
let values = try server.getParamset("LEQ0123456:1", "VALUES")

With swift-sh one can execute Swift scripts that require SPM packages, it can be installed using brew install swift-sh. Then just put the code in a file and make it executable (chmod +x script.swift).
Alternatively create a macOS tool project in Xcode and add the Swift XML-RPC dependency: https://github.com/helje5/SwiftXmlRpc.git.

A simple Macro http based server

All this is quite nice, but you may not have an XML-RPC server flying around to test out the client? 🥚🐥
Easy enough to write an own one using Macro, a tiny wrapper around the excellent SwiftNIO. Let’s go with a simple version using just the http module first:

#!/usr/bin/swift sh
import XmlRpc // helje5/SwiftXmlRpc
import Macro  // @Macro-swift

http.createServer { req, res in
  guard req.method == "POST" else {
    return res.end()
  req | concat { bytes in
    guard let call = XmlRpc.parseCall(try bytes.toString()) else {
      return res.end()
    let response = XmlRpc.Response("You called: \(call.methodName)")
    res.writeHead(200, ["Content-Type": "text/xml"])
  .onError { error in
    console.error("catched error:", error)
    return res.end()
.listen(1337) { server in
  console.log("Server listening on http://localhost:1337/")

This can be directly run in the Terminal using swift-sh, or you can put it into an Xcode tool project (add https://github.com/Macro-swift/Macro.git as an SPM dependency).

The code should be pretty self-explanatory, but let’s walk over a few things:

  • XML-RPC calls are always sent using HTTP POST calls - this is not REST, but RPC layered on top of HTTP. If we get something else, we return a 403 (Method Forbidden).
  • A concat stream is used to collect all POST input into a Buffer. The | is used to send (pipe) the data, which is arriving asynchronously in the request stream, into the concat stream.
  • Once all the data has arrived, it gets parsed using XmlRpc.parseCall, if that fails we return a 400 (Bad Request).
  • If it worked, we just send back the method name to the client. The output is wrapped in an XML-RPC response and the XML is rendered by xmlString.

It should work just fine, server in one shell:

Zini18:xmlrpc helge$ ./testserver.swift 
2020-12-30T18:19:12+0100 notice μ.console : Server listening on http://localhost:1337/

Client in a second shell (adjust the URL in the script):

Zini18:xmlrpc helge$ ./testcall.swift 
"You called: getParamset"

This already demonstrates how easy XML-RPC makes all this. The primary advantage being, that it is available across essentially arbitrary programming languages. E.g. the server can be called from Python just the same:

import xmlrpclib
server = xmlrpclib.Server("http://localhost:1337/RPC2")
server.getParamset("LEQ0123456:1", "VALUES")
'You called: getParamset'

The server can be made a little fancier by encapsulating the boilerplate in MacroExpress middleware.

Extending MacroExpress to support XML-RPC

MacroExpress is another small framework on top of Macro which adds the concepts of routing and middleware (Macro/NIO is kinda like Node.js, w/ MacroExpress being the Connect/Express.js). It is still unopinionated and small, but a little bit bigger than just Macro. A basic MacroExpress server looks like this:

#!/usr/bin/swift sh
import MacroExpress // @Macro-swift ~> 0.5.5

let app = express()

app.get { req, res, next in


This is our XML-RPC endpoint converted to MacroExpress:


app.post { req, res, next in
  guard let call = XmlRpc.parseCall(req.body.text ?? "") else {
    return res.sendStatus(400)
  let response = XmlRpc.Response(call.methodName)

But the thing we’d like to add is XML-RPC support, so that this works:

app.rpc("getParamset") { call in
  [ "INHIBIT": false, "STATE": true, "WORKING": false ]

This is a straightforward extension. One could either extend the Express class with that rpc method, or better: the RouteKeeper protocol. This is implemented by all classes that can keep routes, including Express:

extension RouteKeeper {
  func rpc(_ methodName: String? = nil,
           execute: @escaping
             ( XmlRpc.Call ) throws -> XmlRpcValueRepresentable)
       -> Self
    post { req, res, next in
      guard let call = XmlRpc.parseCall(req.body.text ?? "") else {
        return res.sendStatus(400)
      if let methodName = methodName, call.methodName != methodName {
        return next()
      do {
        let value = try execute(call)
      catch let error as XmlRpc.Fault {
      catch {

Much better, we can now quickly add methods:

app.rpc("getParamset") { call in
  [ "INHIBIT": false, "STATE": true, "WORKING": false ]
app.rpc("ping") { _ in "pong" }

… or better, attach it to the /RPC2 HTTP endpoint:

   .rpc("getParamset") { call in
     [ "INHIBIT": false, "STATE": true, "WORKING": false ]
   .rpc("ping") { _ in "pong" }

In this example we attach all our middleware directly to MacroRouter in an extension. It would be a little cleaner to move the functionality to free standing middleware function (e.g. func rpc(...) -> Middleware). To be used like app.post(rpc("add") { .. }).

Extracting function parameters

This is quite nice already. But to get to the function arguments, we’d have to extract them manually using the call.parameters property (an array of XmlRpc.Values). We can add some Swift generic magic to make this nicer.

This is the call we want to parse:

server.getParamset("LEQ0123456:1", "VALUES")

And we’d like to use this syntax:

   .rpc("getParamset") { ( deviceID: String, property: String ) in
     [ "INHIBIT": false, "STATE": true, "WORKING": false ]

Notice how we type out the parameters. If the client would send an array as the second argument, we would bark back an XmlRpc.Fault.

The extension to accomplish this:

extension RouteKeeper {
  func rpc<A1>(_ methodName: String,
               execute: @escaping ( A1 )
                          throws -> XmlRpcValueRepresentable)
       -> Self
       where A1: XmlRpcValueRepresentable
    rpc(methodName) { call in
      guard call.parameters.count == 1,
            let a1 = A1(xmlRpcValue: call.parameters[0])
       else { throw XmlRpc.Fault(code: 400, reason: "Invalid parameters") }
      return try execute(a1)
  func rpc<A1, A2>(_ methodName: String,
                   execute: @escaping ( A1, A2 )
                              throws -> XmlRpcValueRepresentable)
       -> Self
       where A1: XmlRpcValueRepresentable, 
             A2: XmlRpcValueRepresentable
    rpc(methodName) { call in
      guard call.parameters.count == 2,
            let a1 = A1(xmlRpcValue: call.parameters[0]),
            let a2 = A2(xmlRpcValue: call.parameters[1])
       else { throw XmlRpc.Fault(code: 400, reason: "Invalid parameters") }
      return try execute(a1, a2)

It’s a little bit of boilerplate, but you only have to write it once … (SwiftUI does the same for child views, which is were the 10-child views restriction comes from, you can easily add more of those yourself).

Let’s do another simple XML-RPC function, add:

   .rpc("add") { ( a: Int, b: Int ) in a + b }

When called with invalid parameters from Python:

>>> server.add("nonsense", ["VALUES"])
Traceback (most recent call last):
xmlrpclib.Fault: <Fault 400: 'Invalid parameters'>

And with valid integer parameters:

>>> server.add(10, 20)

Neat, right?

One more thing…

Many XML-RPC servers support introspection. Introspection allows a client to discover the functions a server provides using the system.listMethods method.

We could just add this manually:

   .rpc("system.listMethods") { _ in
     [ "add", "ping", "getParamset" ]

Our Python script could then ask for the available functions:

>>> server.system.listMethods()
['add', 'ping', 'getParamset']

But that is error prone. Can’t we collect the available methods as we add our routes? Indeed we can. As the routes are matched, we can collect the match names in the request. This has to be added to the original rpc function:

if let methodName = methodName {
  let methods = (req.extra["rpc.methods"] as? [ String ]) ?? []
  req.extra["rpc.methods"] = methods + [ methodName ]
  if call.methodName != methodName { return next() }

And we need another middleware to deliver the collected methods:

func systemListMethods() -> Self {
  post { req, res, next in
    guard let call = XmlRpc.parseCall(req.body.text ?? ""),
          call.methodName == "system.listMethods" else {
      return next()
    let methods = (req.extra["rpc.methods"] as? [ String ]) ?? []

This is how it is used, the listMethods call must go to the end:

     .rpc("getParamset") { (deviceID: String, property: String) in
       [ "INHIBIT": false, "STATE": true, "WORKING": false ]
     .rpc("ping") { _ in "pong" }
     .rpc("add")  { ( a: Int, b: Int ) in a + b }

You may have noticed that our middleware implementation is a little expensive 😬 Each invocation of rpc parses the XML-RPC call again. That can be solved by moving the parsing into a bodyParser (and keep parsed results within the requests extra dictionary).

This mechanism could be further enhanced to support system.methodSignature and system.methodHelp.

Protocol Level

To finish up, we’ll look how XML-RPC looks on the wire.

This is what happens at the protocol level when an XML-RPC call is sent, e.g. the server.getParamset("LEQ0123456:1", "VALUES") from the example at the top:

Host: ccuw:2001
Content-type: text/xml; charset="UTF-8"
Content-Length: ...

<?xml version="1.0"?>

And the result ({'INHIBIT': False, 'STATE': True, 'WORKING': False}) looks like this:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: text/xml; charset="UTF-8"
Content-Length: ...

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Yes, it is quite bloated and very similar to XML Property List’s. But it works universally / pretty much everywhere 😬

Some implementations also support JSON instead of XML as the transport format. Yet since not all implementations support this it counters the main benefit of XML-RPC: being available everywhere.

Grandpa’s tales from the war

This boring part can be skipped…

As mentioned, XML-RPC goes back to 1998. Which is around the time when the ARI started to use it. What for? For OpenGroupware.org. It was a pretty big server application using WebObjects technology to implement a Web 1.0 based contact, project management and meeting scheduling system. Written in Objective-C. Kinda like Basecamp but on top of Web 1.0 technology (no AJAX and the like, we’ve been like 3 years too early with that).

There was a constant need to integrate that with other enterprise applications, which usually weren’t written in Objective-C 🙈 XML-RPC excelled at that, and we built an OGo XML-RPC API. Easy to use and widely applicable.

OGo itself was getting bigger and bigger at the time, and the XML-RPC API server grew as well. The ARI came up with an idea to split the application server into many small ones. Each optimized for a specific functional area of OGo, e.g. contacts, meetings or (hey!) emails. An architectural style which is nowadays called microservices. It was called SandStorm and was a pretty big mistake 🙈🙈.

XML-RPC was really early, it was quite a bit later when the big enterprises discovered XML for themselves. And started the era of WebServices - which essentially killed all the fun in XML. SOAP, WSDL, etc etc.

Since all those enterprise systems turned into a huge pile of gibberish XML no one really liked - and despite 1st class browser support for XML - JSON became a thing (XHR stands for “XML HTTP Request”, not “JSON HTTP Request”). It’s unfortunate that XML got all the blame, it still is a very nice, versatile and nowadays underused format.

As a sidenote, this was also the time when the ARI invented GroupDAV, this is an embarrassing presentation about it. To support GroupDAV (and later CalDAV/CardDAV) OGo got a server called the “ZideStore”. One client being an Outlook plugin called ZideLook. (Aka: How to become a Windows programmer at Apple, when you did Objective-C almost your whole professional live.)

Closing Notes

A proper REST protocol is usually a better choice than XML-RPC to provide an API. Yet XML-RPC can be quite nice to do quick hacks. Particularily if multiple or obscure languages need to call or provide such services. We hope we could show how easy it is to provide APIs using XML-RPC.


Feedback is warmly welcome: @helje5, me@helgehess.eu.

Want to support my work? Buy an app! You don’t have to use it! 😀

Written on December 31, 2020